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Map Set common bean-PvCookUCDavis2009
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Maps PvLG06
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Map Type: genetic [ View Map Type Info ]
Map Set Name: common bean - PvCookUCDavis2009 [ View Map Set Info ]
Map Name: PvLG06
Map Start: 0 cM
Map Stop: 53.8 cM
Features by Type:
21 SNP
21 Total

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Items 1 to 21 of 21.
common bean - PvCookUCDavis2009 - PvLG06
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Comparative Maps
Feature Type Position (cM) Map Feature Type Position Evidence Actions
Pv_TOG912552 SNP 0 soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm19 TOG912552 TOG 3,547,836 - 3,551,546 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG905013 SNP 11.7 lotus - LjKazusa200905 - LjChr1 TOG905013 TOG 49,602,397 - 49,603,992 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
chickpea - CaCookUCDavis2009 - CaChr7 Ca_TOG905013 SNP 15.1 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG907902 SNP 14.1 cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 3_266_TOG907902_1_569 SNP 12.67 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm09 TOG907902 TOG 29,571,030 - 29,573,868 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG924531 SNP 14.1 soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm16 TOG924531 TOG 33,266,189 - 33,267,606 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm09 TOG924531 TOG 29,571,030 - 29,573,868 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG894564 SNP 14.1 barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr5 TOG894564 TOG 37,653,619 - 37,656,872 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm16 TOG894564 TOG 31,475,085 - 31,477,994 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG895538 SNP 14.1 soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm20 TOG895538 TOG 39,091,535 - 39,093,319 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm10 TOG895538 TOG 45,239,967 - 45,242,645 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
lotus - LjKazusa200905 - LjChr5 TOG895538 TOG 50,877,601 - 50,880,749 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr1 TOG895538 TOG 27,895,061 - 27,897,994 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG10 4_078_TOG895538_1_457 SNP 57.54 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG903882 SNP 14.1 chickpea - CaCookUCDavis2009 - CaChr5 Ca_TOG903882 SNP 24.4 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG10 3_135_TOG903882_1_817 SNP 27.37 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm05 TOG903882 TOG 11,257,868 - 11,272,037 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG896767 SNP 14.1 soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm02 TOG896767 TOG 6,391,194 - 6,396,190 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm16 TOG896767 TOG 31,211,933 - 31,221,156 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 4_003_TOG896767_2_1211 SNP 13 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.duranensis_a - A05 SNP60 SNP 1.637 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 4_119_TOG896767_2_229 SNP 18.04 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG898353 SNP 24.2 peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.stenosperma_e - LG02 Ah2n_TOG898353_2 SNP 23.91 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG898353 TOG 12,955,781 - 12,968,960 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm09 TOG898353 TOG 35,119,057 - 35,125,649 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 3_227_TOG898353_2_348 SNP 12.67 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.duranensis_a - A05 SNP86 SNP 53.723 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG902910 SNP 25.8 peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.stenosperma_e - LG02 Ah2n_TOG902910_1 SNP 25.19 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
lotus - LjKazusa200905 - LjChr2 TOG902910 TOG 9,483,616 - 9,486,683 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm16 TOG902910 TOG 36,231,122 - 36,236,058 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm09 TOG902910 TOG 35,430,940 - 35,443,161 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG916217 SNP 26.6 cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 3_323_TOG916217_1_568 SNP 12.67 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG916217 TOG 17,195,526 - 17,200,318 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
pigeonpea - CcCookUCDavis2009 - CcLG11 Cc_TOG916217_804 SNP 22.5 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm16 TOG916217 TOG 36,418,046 - 36,421,754 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG902768 SNP 26.6 pigeonpea - CcCookUCDavis2009 - CcLG11 Cc_TOG902768_1035 SNP 22.5 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
chickpea - CaCookUCDavis2009 - CaChr6 Ca_TOG902768 SNP 52.9 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
lotus - LjKazusa200905 - LjChr2 TOG902768 TOG 9,827,775 - 9,831,063 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.duranensis_a - A05 SNP144 SNP 53.087 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG902768 TOG 17,227,965 - 17,232,822 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.stenosperma_e - LG02 Ah2n_TOG902768_1 SNP 26.47 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm09 TOG902768 TOG 35,942,462 - 35,945,949 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG900140 SNP 29 barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG900140 TOG 19,132,053 - 19,139,798 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
pigeonpea - CcCookUCDavis2009 - CcLG11 Cc_TOG900140_286 SNP 19.9 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.stenosperma_e - LG16 Ah2n_TOG900140_2 SNP 14.71 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.stenosperma_d - A10 TOG900140 SNP 46 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 3_257_TOG900140_2_282 SNP 25.6 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm16 TOG900140 TOG 36,838,905 - 36,846,456 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.duranensis_a - A10 SNP119 SNP 58.588 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG919452 SNP 29 pigeonpea - CcCookUCDavis2009 - CcLG11 Cc_TOG919452_377 SNP 19.3 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm16 TOG919452 TOG 36,909,550 - 36,915,201 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG919452 TOG 19,151,502 - 19,157,746 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG898271 SNP 35.9 cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 4_184_TOG898271_2_640 SNP 33.86 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm07 TOG898271 TOG 9,803,065 - 9,813,668 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 4_040_TOG898271_2_649 SNP 33.86 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.stenosperma_e - LG02 Ah2n_TOG898271_2 SNP 48.29 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
pigeonpea - CcCookUCDavis2009 - CcLG11 Cc_TOG898271_650 SNP 13.3 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG898271 TOG 16,904,954 - 16,913,420 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
pigeonpea - CcCookUCDavis2009 - CcLG11 Cc_TOG898271_702 SNP 13.3 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
chickpea - CaCookUCDavis2009 - CaChr6 Ca_TOG898271 SNP 55.4 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG894658 SNP 37.5 soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm09 TOG894658 TOG 37,693,839 - 37,698,614 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 3_090_TOG894658_1_1011 SNP 35.51 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG916703 SNP 41.6 soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm07 TOG916703 TOG 8,636,128 - 8,638,447 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
pigeonpea - CcCookUCDavis2009 - CcLG11 Cc_TOG916703_402 SNP 9.5 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 3_037_TOG916703_1_332 SNP 37.48 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG905831 SNP 46.6 lotus - LjKazusa200905 - LjChr2 TOG905831 TOG 16,926,172 - 16,927,164 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm07 TOG905831 TOG 8,054,437 - 8,061,047 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG905629 SNP 48.2 peanut - AA_A.duranensis_x_A.duranensis_a - A05 SNP170 SNP 42.614 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm07 TOG905629 TOG 7,809,142 - 7,813,325 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG905629 TOG 21,990,522 - 21,994,823 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm09 TOG905629 TOG 38,965,315 - 38,970,156 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
cowpea - VuCookUCDavis2009 - VuLG05 4_211_TOG905629_1_360 SNP 42.85 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG904255 SNP 51.4 soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm07 TOG904255 TOG 15,172,623 - 15,175,231 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
Pv_TOG901711 SNP 53.8 chickpea - CaCookUCDavis2009 - CaChr6 Ca_TOG901711 SNP 64.5 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
soybean - GmJGI8x - Gm07 TOG901711 TOG 15,317,941 - 15,323,013 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps
barrel medic - Mt3.0 - MtChr6 TOG901711 TOG 19,465,858 - 19,469,789 (cM) Automated name-based, Automated name-based View Maps